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Cataract Surgery Specialist

Negrey Eye Associates

Ophthalmologists & Eye Surgeons located in Havertown, PA

Around 25 million Americans have cataracts today, and without cataract surgery, they could lose their vision. Fortunately, you can count on Negrey Eye Associates’ medical specialists for cataract removal and eyesight restoration. Ophthalmologist Michael Negrey, MD, is a cataract surgery specialist who can change your life through cataract removal, so learn more by calling the office in Havertown, Pennsylvania, or book a consultation using the online scheduler now.

Cataract Surgery Q & A

What is cataract surgery like? 

Dr. Negrey uses a state-of-the-art procedure, phacoemulsification, for cataract removal. You receive local anesthesia to completely numb the eye. 

You won't feel anything during the surgery, and many patients doze during the 15- to 20-minute procedure. Some patients see vibrant colors during cataract removal. 

Dr. Negrey makes a tiny corneal incision and uses a small ultrasound probe to break up the hard cataract. He flushes the pieces of the old lens out of your eye and then replaces it with an intraocular lens (IOL). 

What types of IOLs are available? 

Some of the different options include: 

Monofocal lens

A monofocal lens has one prescription to replace single-prescription glasses. But most adults have presbyopia, a problem with focusing on close-up items that requires reading glasses. 

If you use reading glasses and choose a monofocal lens for distance vision, you'll still need reading glasses afterward.


A multifocal IOL is much like bifocal glasses: It corrects your distance vision and also your reading vision. 


A toric IOL, which can be either monofocal or multifocal, corrects astigmatism. 

One or two weeks before your surgery, you’ll undergo testing to determine which IOL you need. 

What can I expect after cataract surgery?

After surgery, you wear a clear eye shield when you go home. You can't drive that day, but most patients can drive themselves back to Negrey Eye Associates for their post-op appointment the next day. 

At home, you use prescription eye drops to encourage rapid eye healing. Mild cases of light sensitivity and soreness are normal, but they resolve quickly.

Can I have cataract surgery on both eyes at once?

Two separate procedures, 2-3 weeks apart, produce the most reliable results. 

Cataract surgery can give you clear vision, so learn more about cataract surgery by calling Negrey Eye Associates or clicking the online scheduler now.